Semantic features of phraseological units with “money units” in English and Uzbek
Science and Technology International Conference


Phraseological units, semantic features, specificity, expressiveness, synonymous connections, fragment, generalization

How to Cite

Hakimova Umida Furqat qizi. (2023). Semantic features of phraseological units with “money units” in English and Uzbek. Ethiopian International Multidisciplinary Research Conferences, 1(1), 17–20. Retrieved from


In this work, we will try, more or less fully, to cover the issues of researching the semantics, semantic features of phraseological units and functions of phraseological units. Metaphoricity, emotionality, evaluativeness, expressiveness - all these qualities of phraseological units give our speech brightness, imagery and expressiveness. The etymology and semantics of the phraseological fund of the language is directly related to the cultural and historical experience of the people. The most striking semantic feature of phraseological units is their ability to enter into synonymous connections and relationships with each other: a shot bird, a shot sparrow, a grated kalach - ‘an experienced, experienced person’; to lead by the nose, to rub glasses, to fool one’s head, to circle one’s finger - ‘to act dishonestly, to deceive someone.



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Телия В. Н. Культурно-национальные коннотации фразеологизмов //

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