The article analyzes the emergence of the field of oriental studies in Russia, the stages of its development, and tries to reveal the main directions of research of Russian orientalists. In addition, the role of the Russian school of oriental studies in the development of the Uzbek school of oriental studies is highlighted.
The weapon of the word (1941–1945). M., 1985
Shastitko P.M. Events and destinies (From the history of the formation of Soviet oriental studies). M., 1985
History of Russian Oriental studies until the mid-nineteenth century. M., 1990
History of Russian Oriental studies from the middle of the 19th century. before 1917 M., 1997
Shastichko P. Oriental studies in Russia // Encyclopedia around the world. https://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/istoriya/VOSTOKOVEDENIE_V_ROSSII.html
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