Feyman technology is one of the most effective learning technologies adopted in the world for learning new knowledge. Let's look at the advantages and results of this learning technology. Today is the era in the history of mankind where information can be easily accessed. The set of technology development in the last 20 years is much higher than the technology development in the entire human history. Development is accelerating in every field. While learning something at school or university, after 1 or 2 years, some of the things we learned will become obsolete, after having a profession, new professions will appear in the world. The only way to adapt to such changes is to learn how to learn. Smart people don't learn too much, they try to find ways to learn something very well. If the topic is about learning how to learn, one name comes to mind - Richard Feynman. American physicist Richard Feynman, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in 1940, was a very friendly and funny person. He is known as a great teacher by the world of science. Even in 2009, a book titled "The Great Teacher" was published about him.
Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should be the daily rules of every leader's activity. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2017. - 104 p.
Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 19, 2021 No. PQ-5032 "On measures to increase the quality of education in the field of physics and develop scientific research". National database of legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 19.03.2021, No. 07/21/5032/0226.
Harry LeVine. The Great Explainer: The Story of Richard Feynman. Morgan Reynolds Pub., 2010
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